Anti-Snore Wrist Band - The Natural and Non Invasive Solution to Your Snoring Problems! SnoreDoc®

About the product

  • SIMPLE AND NON INVASIVE – no need to place anything in or on your nose! This natural noninvasive technology is the solution to all your snoring problems!
  • BIO-SENSOR DETECTS SNORING and horse whinnying, Biofeedback stimulates nerves in the wrist. This sensation encourages the jaw to shift forward and open air
  • BETTER SLEEP IS BETTER HEALTH - improve the quality of your sleep with the Snore Doc Snore Watch and feel the difference
  • HELP THOSE AROUND YOU SLEEP BETTER - stop snoring and heavy breathing before it starts, allowing others to fall asleep with you - with the anti snoring wrist band there is no need for ear plugs anymore - no more lying in bed tossing and turning
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY ENT DOCTORS - 30 Days Money back Guarantee

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